It is very important to know what a hub page is before we talk about the tips to boost your hub page score.
What is a Hub Page?
This is a central page where a web visitor will get information he/she might want to know about a given topic easily because it hosts (or links out to) many other pages in such a way that it acts as a comprehensive repository for most of the information. Just like in a book or at least a chapter of a book where you can read the main text and then link too many other pages that explain sub-sections of the topic of interest, that is it in the website version.
We all know that hub pages can help in driving lots of targeted quality traffic to a site and that in the search engine result they rank very highly. One of the latest SEO marketing strategies that catch attention is the creation of hot hub pages. Considering someone who is new in this and would like to increase the Hub Page score quickly, let’s now talk on the Hub Page scores and how to improve them.
The quality score of a given hub page is a reflection of the level of influence a given hubber is at. These scores are calculated in real time and presented on your hub page. The value is dynamic and therefore there might be differences in the scores every time you check. New comers that want to be perceived as hot hubbers need to quality hubs that attract people or to consider hiring hub pages writing service providers. Below are some suggestions faster achievements.
1. Creation of content-rich hubs.
Ensure that your article provides useful information on your niche with helping tips to the audience. No matter the size, let your article feature exclusive content that stands a good chance of getting a higher hub page score.
2. Consider including visual media.
It is believed that search engines estimate the value and popularity of a page by the duration your reader sticks around. Add some good thumbnail image, screenshots, photos and videos that can make your page more interesting to entice your audience to stay on the page for longer.
3. Make comments frequently.
Comment regularly on other Hub Pages within the Hub Pages forum and become a fan of popular hubbers. This will attract other hubbers to follow back your comments to your hub and post comment on yours. This will help you increase the views of your Hub Page. It is more likely that a hub with lots of views and feedback will get higher score since there is a flow of traffic and genuine readership.
4. Incorporate outbound links.
Make it a point that in every Hub Page you create that isn’t wholly promotional, you incorporate at least 2-3 inbound links since networking lies at the core of social media.
5. Get more backlinks.
Quality backlinks from other sites are helpful for your Hub Page to be viewed as authority hub. Prioritize the task of increasing the amount of backlinks coming in.
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