Tuesday 1 July 2014

Software Project Failure Causes.

There are many failure of software projects development of which some are complete, while others are partial. These failures occur because not every project meets all their requirements. Some of these requirements are schedule, cost, resources, quality, or the objectives of the requirements. Statistics shows that the rate of failure of software project development is between 50% - 80%. The worse fact is that there are failures of software project development because of failure to recognize the application of good engineering principles to software projects development just as they are to the office building construction. Shared in this article are causes of failure of software projects development.

1. Estimations failure

Inability to estimate the cost, resources, and schedule necessary for software project development with acceptable accuracy is one of the most serious causes of software failure. Estimation failure can be because of lack of understanding of the software project development process and effects of the method used, cost estimated and schedule. Cost estimation is dependent on the project budget, effort to be put in the project, customer type and the size. Mostly cost estimations are done during the project lifecycle. This has different effects on the software project development. It leads to wrong estimation complete failure, and affect the good-will of the organization if the costs are not covered.

2. Project Planning & Scheduling

Project planning means forming work breakdown, and then allocating the responsibilities to the developers. Working backward from the project end date result in complete software projects development failure. It is impossible to efficiently complete a project from the planning stage to implementation stage. There has to be clear definition of roles and responsibilities allocations. Failure to apply this will bring about failure in the project.

Before the start of the project proper scheduling is required. Proper scheduling includes the team scheduling and the time scheduling.

3. Leadership & Software Management

A leader must have the ability to develop and retain human resources, ability to delegate, communication skills, cultural sensitivity, and ability to delegate.

4. Risk Management

Risk management if not managed timely and effectively is also an important factor towards the failure of project. There is always a need to take some necessary steps in the present to take any uncertainty in the future since the future cannot be predicted. Risk management means dealing with such before it turns to a crisis.

Risk can be of technical or non-technical nature and the project manager needs to be aware of both. Areas where risk can be have to be identified and also how its effect on the software project development.

Risk management consists of risk identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Prioritization, Risk Avoidance, Risk control. Risk management is a practical approach for reducing the uncertainty and possible damage related with a software development project.

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